Leaked HHS Memo Reveals Biden Admin Seeks to Strip Americans of Religious Protections

A leaked memo from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reveals plans by the Biden administration to make changes to Americans’ First Amendment rights and other religious liberty protections.

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Banned for Biblical Beliefs: Christian Farmers in Court After Being Punished for Views on Marriage

The owners of Country Mill Farms in Michigan, who were banned from their local farmers market in 2016 over their biblical viewpoint on marriage, are having their case heard in a federal court this week.

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Republican U.S. Senator Scott unveils police reforms, Democrats push for broader changes

U.S. Senate Republicans unveiled a law enforcement reform bill on Wednesday as a rival to more sweeping Democratic legislation, as Congress sought to curb racial discrimination and police abuses three weeks after the death of George Floyd.
The post Rep…

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Watchdog Report: Debt will exceed U.S. economy in 2020

Debt held by the public will exceed the size of the U.S. economy by the end of fiscal 2020, a watchdog said Monday.
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Planned Parenthood California supporting bill to block health insurance companies from informing parents about their child’s abortion or transgender treatment

Planned Parenthood of California is supporting a bill that would prevent health insurance companies from giving parents information about “sensitive” medical procedures received by young adult or minor children listed on their same policy. “Sensitive s…

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Texas Police Pray For Coronavirus-Suffering Officer

Police in the U.S. State of Texas have been praying for a fellow officer who was rushed to an intensive care unit with the new coronavirus COVID-19.
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