The Bible Tormented Bonhoeffer

Scripture both comforted and haunted the German theologian.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a complex figure, someone who has been misunderstood and misrepresented time and again. And those misunderstandings have real implications. Maybe his most well-known act…

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Being Salt and Light in the Middle of a Twitter Mob

Social media can be a can be a dark and divisive place. That doesn’t mean we should simply withdraw.
Reading Jaron Lanier’s Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now wasn’t the first time I’ve been advised to del…

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A Journey Through the Strange, Scary, and Awe-Awakening World of Video Games

What can this medium—even its most violent expressions—teach us about our deepest aches and longings?
I was born in 1982, the same year the Atari 2600 went on sale. My dad waited until I was older and could fully appreciate it before purcha…

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A Journey Through the Strange, Scary, and Awe-Awakening World of Video Games

What can this medium—even its most violent expressions—teach us about our deepest aches and longings?
I was born in 1982, the same year the Atari 2600 went on sale. My dad waited until I was older and could fully appreciate it before purcha…

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A Journey Through the Strange, Scary, and Awe-Awakening World of Video Games

What can this medium—even its most violent expressions—teach us about our deepest aches and longings?
I was born in 1982, the same year the Atari 2600 went on sale. My dad waited until I was older and could fully appreciate it before purcha…

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